When piercing the skin, a wound is created that needs time to heal. How fast this wound will heal depends on the place of the piercing, the type of metal, the level of skill of the piercer and the quality of the aftercare. As a rule:  the larger or deeper the wound, the longer it takes to heal.

Daily care:

Wash the piercing (with the exception of tongue, smiley and tongue web) every morning during the recovery period with a mild, non-perfumed soap. First wash you hands with the soap. Rinse them off, lather your hands again and use them to soap the piercing. For oral piercings in and around the mouth and/or cheek, only do this on the outside of your piercing. Rinse with a sufficient amount of clean water, it is important to make sure that no soap remains in the wound. After washing, use a clean towel or a tissue to pat dry the area surrounding the piercing. To the extent possible, after washing keep the piercing dry for the rest of the day.  At the  end of the day, we advise a sea salt soak or saline solution to clean the piercing. Soak the piercing if possible in a cup or mug, scroll all the way down for sea salt soak instructions.

In addition to that, during the recovery period, keep the following in mind:

  • touch the piercing as little as possible.
  • do not apply any cream or ointments to the wound and do not apply any wound disinfectants such as Sterling or Betadine drops.
  • be careful nor to get hairspray, hairgel, or similar products near or in a still healing (ear) piercing.
  • do not cover the piercing with a plaster (except, if necessary, for short periods of time during sport activities).
  • avoid (bubble)baths, swimming pools, saunas and steam baths.
  • never remove a healing piercing yourself.

In the case of an oral piercing, bare the following in mind:

  • avoid kissing or oral sex (this also counts for fresh nose piercings like the septum) during the healing period.
  • brush your teeth regularly, preferably with a salt based toothpaste and on occasion also use a chlorohexidine based mouthwash. If you need to get a cheaper version of this, make a salt water based mouthwash or get one from the drug store without alcohol.

In the case of a genital piercing, bare the following in mind:

  • for men with a piercing trough the dickhead of their penis. Soap in the urethra may cause a bladder infection. By drinking a glass of water an hour before cleaning the piercing, the soap remains will be passed quicker after washing.
  • Ladies, never clean your genitals or accommodating piercings with soap. Use plenty of clean water and, if needed, a saltwater based rinse.
  • during sexual intercourse, genital piercings should be protected using an extra solid condom (e.g. a condom for anal sex) or a licking cloth. Preferably do not have sexual intercourse during the recovery period for genital piercings.

Note: the skin around the piercing may look red and considerably swollen. This is normal. Do get in touch with me trough DM on instagram, trough the shop I work at or if needed, get in contact with you general practitioner if:

  • you are worried about the healing.
  • within a couple of days after you got pierced, you get ill or develop a fever.
  • physical complaints such as itchiness and redness don't lesser after 48 hours.
  • you develop new complaints after 24 hours, or the complaints worsen.
  • you want to remove the piercing during the recovery period (for example because of above mentioned complaints or in the case of signs of rejection).

Sea salt soak or Saline solution:

One of the best things you can do for all healing or irritated piercings is a saline soak. A warm, mild saltwater solution irrigates, cleanses and allows the cells to rejuvenate. This is for the whole recovery period 1x a day.

Making you own saline solution:

  • boil water, you will need about 250 ml.
  • 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt for 250 ml of water in a cup, mug or small bowl, make sure you have a clean towel and/or tissues nearby.
  • dissolve the salt and let it cool down to room temperature.
  • best is to immerse the piercing in the water, if that is because of the anatomy of the body not possible, soak a sterile gauze and clean and rinse the piercing with it.
  • let it soak for min 5 to 10 minutes.
  • rinse with plenty of clean water.
  • pat dry with clean towel or tissue.
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